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Tips for Managing Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain Los Angeles Orthopedic SurgeonWith more and more people moving less and sitting more than at any other point in human history, all that time spent clocking in extra hours at a desk, behind the steering wheel of a car, or hunched over the screen of a smartphone or tablet will inevitably take its toll on the lower back and spine.

But lower back pain is not an ailment exclusive to the predominantly sedentary members of the population. Athletes and weekend warriors are also at risk of suffering from acute or chronic lower back pain at some point, even with regular, healthy levels of physical activity, often as the result of repetitive motion strain or injury.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, as many as 31 million Americans suffer from some form of back pain at any given point. And while back pain can wreak havoc on physical activity and social engagement, it also impacts individual and general workplace productivity. As the leading cause of workplace disability and worker’s compensation claims around the world, back problems are the most common reason for missing work, and account for the majority of doctor’s office visits after upper respiratory infections.

Lower Back Pain Relief

Many cases of pain result from lifestyle factors. Making a few sensible lifestyle modifications can often help alleviate the symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, physical activity is essential for both preventing and managing back pain and injury. Consult with an orthopedic and sports medicine specialist to find the appropriate level of activity.

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid prolonged periods of inactivity or time in bed
  • Warm up or stretch before physical activity
  • Practice good posture
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Don’t lift with your back
  • Quit or do not begin smoking
  • Make sure your workstation is ergonomically correct

Regenerative Medicine Treatments for Low Back Pain in Los Angeles

If you are suffering from consistent low back pain, you many be a candidate for regenerative medicine treatments. To learn more about the minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment options for chronic lower back pain, and whether you are a candidate for stem cell or prolotherapy treatments, contact Meier Orthopedic Sports and Regenerative Medicine today at 310-777-7845 today to request a consultation.

Next, read Perfect Combination: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy and Orthopedic Surgery


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