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ACL Tear – Injury & Treatment Options

By Steven Meier

ACL reconstruction refers to a procedure done to replace a torn anterior cruciate ligament. The anterior cruciate ligament is a band of fibrous tissue located inside the knee. It helps the knee move forward and back as well as providing stability for the joint. There are three other essential ligaments in the knee. These are the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), lateral collateral ligament (LCL), and medial collateral ligament (MCL). While the cruciate ligaments are located inside the knee, the collateral ligaments are on the outside and help provide side-to-side stability.

To learn more about ACL reconstruction and recovery from ACL surgery, contact Meier Orthopedic Sports and Regenerative Medicine today by calling (310) 777-7845 or filling out the online contact form.

Torn ACL Causes and Symptoms

Because of the location of the anterior cruciate ligament and role of the knee joint in athletic activity, the ACL is an often injured ligament. The ligament can tear for a number of reasons, including:

  • sudden stopping
  • quick direction changes
  • awkward landings while jumping
  • hard impacts to the knee

Patients who suffer a torn ACL often experience the following symptoms:

  • pain in the knee
  • swelling in the knee
  • tenderness in and around the knee
  • limited mobility of the knee joint

When an anterior cruciate ligament is only partially torn it is often able to heal with nonsurgical treatment. However, if the ACL is severed completely, it cannot heal itself. In this case, patients should consider ACL reconstruction.

ACL Tear Reconstruction Surgery

Because an ACL cannot be effectively repaired, it is necessary to remove it and implant a graft in its place. This graft can be tissue taken from either the patient’s own body or an outside donor. To perform ACL reconstruction, Dr. Meier will first make several small incisions around the knee. He will then insert a small camera into the knee in order to see inside. After removing the damaged ACL, Dr. Meier will then drill small holes in the bone, thread the new graft through them and fixing it in place with surgical screws.

Contact Meier Orthopedic Sports and Regenerative Medicine

Are you considering ACL reconstruction? Don’t wait. Contact MOSM today by calling (310) 777-7845 to find out what Dr. Meier can do for you.


Dr. Steven Meier
Steven Meier

Dr. Steven Meier is a renowned board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in regenerative sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery. Dr. Meier believes in treating each patient individually according to their needs.


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